Learn How to Train like a Russian!!
The KB excersises
The Most Important Kettlebell Exercises.
Below is
arguably the most important kettlebells exercises. Integrate them into your weekly workouts and
reap the rewards.
1. The kettle bell swing
The kettle
bell swing is THE core kettle bell exercise. DO it often (but do it right) and you will feel the benefits.
2. The Turkish Getup
The Turkish
getup promotes should stability and flexibility as well as working the
core. An old school strong man exercise,
this is one of the best total body exercises ever.
3. The Clean and Press
A terrific
upper body exercise that involves a “pull” and a “push“. A true test of strength that works most of
the body.
4. The goblet squat
This is one
of Dan John’s favourite exercises. (If
you don’t know who Dan John is - then search and find out.) Due to the kettlebells shape, the goblet
squat enables the trainer to work the squat movement in a different way to the
barbell squat and will improve flexibility and strength very very quickly.
5. The KB Deadlift
The KB
Deadlift is an excellent exercise. Whilst you will never get the weights you need to go anywhere close to a
rep max, the exercise will strengthen your whole body. It is also easier to learn the movement when
compared with the barbell version of the exercises.
6. The snatch
A full body
exercise that will improve your hip snap, strengthen shoulders and work all of
your stabilizers. Do low reps for
strength, and high reps with a smaller bell for conditioning. Gireviks snatch a KB for 10 minutes only changing
hands once!
7. The Jerk
excellent full-body exercise with huge benefits to your athletic
performance. Again you can go heavy or
higher reps - Girevik Style. Perform
singles or doubles.
8. The pull-up.
Whilst this
isn’t a KB exercise it’s the perfect exercise to complement all of the
above. It’s been a main stay in strength
and power endurance training for years.
This is not
a list of all the kettlebell exercises. I haven’t even mentioned windmills/jerks/pistols and you can always use
the double variations. These are the
less exotic ones (which seem to appear on KB DVDs out there) but these ARE the
ones that work. Think of them as the
foundations. The additional exercises
will deliver a lot of benefit - but they complement the exercises above - they
should not replace them.